November 05, 2014

Scroll to the bottom to enter to win all 28 ebooks! There's a little of everything, for a total of over $85 worth of ebooks. Winner takes all!

summoned_cover_final_bigger the forever girl sunbolt magicless misfortune the polaris uprising the zodiac collectr prophecy girl no good deed his source hidden gene cards fearless and feminine famine echoes fairy texas robot awareness sac sex ray specs copper ravens carnies redcap baba ali a home for jesse radiant shadows killing jena crane tort wally

a Rafflecopter giveaway

June 10, 2014

Bad-@$$ Marketing Like-a-thon

Care to like a few author's Facebook pages and possibly win one of their books in the process?
Just follow the instructions of this raffle-copter:

June 05, 2014

Reset The Net

May 02, 2014

My current work in progress

Yesterday I finished the latest editings to my story The Illumination Query, as were suggested by my beta readers. If any of you guys want a look at what I did, I've thrown together a .mobi with the right text. The file was made quickly so it doesn't have nice page breaks like the original beta-copy but I think it should read fine otherwise.
I'm hoping that this first piece of my Speed of Darkness series might be ready to go now. As I've put a bit more time, thought and effort into this undertaking than I've given to anything else I have ever written before, I don't want to just self-publish this book.
I now undertake what I have heard from several sources can be the hardest part of writing a book. I am looking to find a literary agent who is willing to work with me and my story so I can get it published by a respected publishing house.

April 13, 2014

March 30, 2014

March 28, 2014

Great Big ebook giveaway!

If you want to get your hands on some free ebooks, get over to Marie Lavender's blog, Writing in the Modern Age -->>
There are a multitude of authors coming together who are willing to hand out select books for free!

This is your chance to get, among others, a copy of my book Radiant Shadows.

March 15, 2014

Read my 'And I Was Hungry' poem FREE online!

 And I Was Hungry at Smashwords
Here is a fun poem I wrote that can be read for free online. It is connected to my Kindle book 'Radiant Shadows', but I'm pretty sure you could enjoy the poem just as much without ever looking at the book.

March 11, 2014

WTF!? Google- >:(

Sarah is not a miss-spelling. It is how I and a few 100,000 others spell our names. If you're going to take away the option to fix Chrome spell-check errors, you can at least have one of the more common English names included. Don't just go and try stealing that 'h' from all of us overnight!

February 26, 2014

Amazon email Ad!

That was a cool surprise! 
The cheap kindle books announcement that is sent out by Amazon is one of the few email ads that I've just given up trying to block. Today I'm glad that I've never succeeded in stopping it.
It came as a total shock, but this morning I opened my email to find that my new book Radiant Shadows: Beginnings is at the top of the 99 cent book list in the ad!
Now I guess I'll see first-hand how effective this type of advertising may be.

February 17, 2014

Very Nice preview of my eBook

Here is a quite nice preview of me eBook Radiant Shadows: Beginnings via

Notice as a BookGoodie for Radiant Shadows: Beginnings

 Radiant Shadows: Beginnings

You can find a nice post about my newest eBook, Radiant Shadows: Beginnings here -->>

January 29, 2014

Radiant Shadows- now on kindle

My new vampire book is up for free on Amazon Prime. 

Without Amazon Prime, you can still get it free from this coming Friday until Tuesday.
You can get a Goodreads email reminder of the free days by declaring your attendance of the free day event here: