March 14, 2012

KDP Select promo-day schedule (and readers, please review me!)

My story Right Now is almost down to it's last free day on Amazon KDP select, and I'm sure everyone I know who cares has already gotten it free some earlier promo day. Cool enough, I gave away like twice as many as my other book has ever sold. (and that's only in America). I even managed to give away a few copies in Germany!
I did save back one free day for my birthday(March 17, St. Patrick's day). Maybe for luck or something?
Well, thinking about it yesterday, I figured I probably needed to advertize the Free day in a couple of new places If I want to catch someone who might get it yet doesn't have it yet. Simple, I figure, there's got to be a place or two where people list books with what day they are free.
You know? I fail at internet today. I haven't been able to find one place to do just that. Sure there are a couple of places that have their own pre-set days where you can screw around with your free day schedule and join them, but I want my book to be free on my birthday!
If you don't have it; It's free March 17 here:
Or it's always free with Amazon prime.

And if you want to be cool you can rate it, or even write a review afterwards.
Just go to: and click that little grey bar that says 'create your own review.'

(Yes, while writing this, looking for listings at Goodreads did occur to me; I'm off to do that now. If you know of anywhere else I could add to a listing of free kindle book days, please tell me!)

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